
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Weekly Spotlight: One Team Publishing & Films

Hey everybody! Welcome to the Weekly Spotlight where I showcase a deserving person, business, or company and what they do. This week, I'll be showcasing One Team Publishing & Films. The founder of this business is Edgar Allen "Eddie" Cole who is an entrepreneur and author residing in Nashville. His business consists of artists, musicians, authors, and others. One Team focuses mainly on helping small business with services such as social media managing, networking, and other skills that will help a business become known and successful. In addition to their small business services, you can find members of One Team doing lots of other things. Eddie, for example, has a series called Grinding For Greatness" where he gives tips to prospective entrepreneurs who are having trouble getting where they need to be or who may be looking for that extra oomph to make them unique. You can find the first two videos here, and here. In addition to being an entrepreneur(so many talents), Eddie is also an author. He already has one book out, From No Collar To A White Collar, which is a self help book which shows you how to move up in your industry. By reading this book, you can turn something small, such as a t-shirt booth at the flea market, into something much bigger such as owning your own clothing company. He also has a novel coming out on March 24th, Reporter From Hell, which is about a young man named Isaiah King who is struggling to stay on a righteous path amid a life full of chaos and tragedy. There are many other wonderful people at One Team, and you can contact them and find some of their work on their website. If you're a small business seeking help to get off of the ground then I highly encourage you to check them out. I hope you've enjoyed this installment of the Weekly Spotlight and I'll see you next week to spotlight another deserving business.

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